
Does God exist?

What are the deepest questions we could ask ourselves as human-beings? I don’t think they get any deeper than, “Does God exist?” If you knew that you had been created by a supreme being as surely as you know that you exist at all, it would inevitably have a profound influence on you. That follows because in knowing that you had been created by a supreme being, you would have to assume that such a being had purpose behind its creation, including you and your life. Any being that were capable of creating all the mind-boggling complexity we behold in the universe would have to be impressive. Does it make any sense that a being so unfathomably intelligent, and powerful compared to ourselves would be shallow at the same time? Even the human-beings we admire the most are driven by purpose, mission, and vision in this ephemeral existence we share in called “life”. It seems absurd then that a Creator, if there were one, wouldn’t have purpose, mission, and vision, that go beyond what we are capable of fully conceptualising.

When I observe the world around me in all its complexity that boggles the mind, it inherently makes me ask myself the question, “How on Earth did all this come to be?!” But to write that the complexity of the world around us boggles the mind is to give bones to an idea without accompanying it with the necessary flesh so that such a profound notion comes to life in the mind of the reader. To do that, we have to go deeper, and we can do that by asking ourselves questions. What follows by the way, is clearly an inexhaustive list of such questions.

  1. Where did existence and everything we can observe in the world and the universe come from? What is its source?
  2. Why is it only natural to think, even for a human-being who has no formal education, that from nothing, nothing comes?
  3. How can life emerge from inanimacy, that is to say, where no life existed before?
  4. Why does the progress of time imply a constant and consistent movement from the simple to the more complex?
  5. Why are all the physical values that permit existence and life so finely balanced?
  6. How is it possible that from a cosmic soup 14 billion years ago, I exist, have life, and am self-aware, able to rationalise, and consider questions that pertain to where I came from, and what the meaning and purpose of my life could be?
  7. Did human-beings invent moral values and the notions of “good” and “evil”, or is there something more concrete and objective behind them?
  8. If there is something more to existence than meets the eye, something that goes beyond what our senses are able to palpate, can I justify not devoting my entire life to embarking on a journey of discovery to find out what it is?

Whatever scientific discovery may have done to shed light on our origins, I haven’t been able to get past the obvious wisdom that seems to be available to us all, whether we have had a formal education or not: from nothing, nothing comes. It seems perfectly convenient that the answers to the most profound questions life could throw at us, seem to be universally available to all, regardless of status, wealth, or education.

That something caused existence, life, and the pinnacle of it, ourselves, is a logic that until now I haven’t been able to refute. That this “something” must be a conscious mind is again only rational when I observe the complexity of the world and universe that surround me. That such a being would be good explains to me why moral values exist, and why as human-beings we innately most admire and esteem what is benevolent, good, and true.

But what do you think? Hit the comments box below with your thoughts and ideas!

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Wishing you light, peace, and fulfilment.

With imperfect love